The Chinese path to modernization will provide broader growth opportunities for German companies and the idea of \"de-risking\" should not be politicized or ideologized, said China's top commerce official.商务部部长王文涛示意,中国正全面鼓励中国式当代化,必将为包括德国在内的列国企业提供更宽广发展空间。“去风险”不应政事化和相识款式化。
皇冠客服飞机:@seo3687During his meeting with Karl Haeusgen, president of German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and Christian Klein, CEO of German software and cloud company SAP SE in Beijing on Tuesday, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said the idea of \"de-risking \"should not lead to \"decoupling \"and \"de-Sinicization\".7月11日,商务部部长王文涛在北京会见德国机械建造制造业集中会主席霍伊斯根、德国念念爱普公司首席推行官柯睿安。他示意,“去风险”不可导致脱钩和“去中国化”。
www.bettingroyalzonehomehub.com\"De-risking\" is a term put forward by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who in March called for reducing dependency on Chinese raw materials and technologies.本年3月,欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯德莱恩提议“去风险”主见,并敕令欧盟列国减少对中国的原材料和时候依赖。
Wang reiterated that companies are market players, and they know best how to de-risk. The government should return this right to businesses as arbitrary intervention will only bring greater risks.王文涛示意,企业是市集主体,最知说念何如去风险,政府应将“去风险”主导权交还给企业,淘气逼迫反而会带来更大风险。
As mechanical equipment manufacturing is a key industry for China-German economic and trade cooperation, Wang urged businesses on both sides to further consolidate the existing cooperation foundation and tap cooperation potential in new fields such as green low-carbon, digital economy and sustainable development.王文涛强调,机械建造制造业是中德经贸配合的要点行业,两边应进一步安靖现存配合基础,挖掘绿色低碳、数字经济、可合手续发展等新范围配合后劲。
Highlighting that \"decoupling\" is not in the interest of German companies, Haeusgen said the move of \"de-risking \"should be evaluated and decided independently by businesses.霍伊斯根强调,“脱钩断链”不合适德企利益,赞同“去风险”应由企业自主评估决议。
He said VDMA's member companies support the governments of China and Germany to strengthen communication and dialogue, and create favorable conditions for cooperation between their companies.霍伊斯根示意,因循德中两国政府加强相似对话,为两边企业开展配合创造便利要求。
皇冠信用盘出租Similar views were expressed by Klein.柯睿安也发表了访佛的不雅点。
保险著名好莱坞明星XXX一起开设博彩网站,引起争议议论。皇冠客服真的假的\"SAP opposes 'decoupling' and other related activities. The company will actively participate in building a more resilient global supply chain, call for strengthening international cooperation and formulating unified global data security rules,\" he said.他示意:“念念爱普反对‘脱钩断链’,积极参与打造更具韧性的大家供应链,敕令加强国外配合,制定大家斡旋的数据安全法例。”
In addition to increasing its investment in research and development in China, the German executive said that SAP will continue to provide better products and services for its business partners in the country.下一步念念爱普将不时加大对华研发干与,为在华企业客户提供更优质的家具和办事。
The German Chamber of Commerce in China said more than half of the 288 businesses that participated in a survey in May said they plan to invest more in China over the next two years. The study was published in early June and reflects the business outlook of German companies in China.中国德国商会6月初发布的拜访敷陈流露,有半数以上权谋在将来两年内增多在中国的投资。这次拜访于5月中旬张开,有288家在华德企参与。敷陈反应了德国企业在华业务出路。
Jens Hildebrandt, executive director and board member of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, said that geopolitics has a profound effect on companies on the ground, prompting them to drive forward localization and diversification strategies as risk management measures. German companies will sustain investments in the Chinese market as a means of maintaining a competitive edge and harnessing their full potential.中国德国商会推行董事兼董事会成员晏念念示意,地缘政事对企业有着深切的影响,促使德企将鼓励原土化和多元化策略看成风险惩办秩序。德国企业将不时坚合手在中国市集投资,从而保合手竞争上风和充分挖掘后劲。
美高梅app1.1.15版本下载German investment in China reached $2.57 billion in 2022, soaring 52.8 percent year-on-year, said China's Ministry of Commerce.商务部数据流露,2022年德国对华投资25.7亿好意思元,同比增长52.8%。
博彩平台免费奖金After it ordered a rethink on how Germany interacts with China last year, the German government will pass its long-promised China strategy on Thursday, Reuters reported.据路透社报说念,2022年,德国政府下令反念念何如与中国的相关,并将于本周四(7月13日)通过其快乐已久的中国策略。
开云色碟German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has repeatedly emphasized \"de-risking\" Germany's relationship with China, reducing dependency on the country gradually rather than decoupling from the Chinese market.德国总理朔尔茨曾屡次强调,德国的对华“去风险”是迟缓减少对中国的依赖,而非与中国市集“脱钩”。